Jovana Navarrete, Kevin N. Schneider, Briana M. Smith, Nastacia L. Goodwin, Yizhe Y. Zhang, Axelle S. Salazar, Yahir E. Gonzalez, Pranav Anumolu, Ethan Gross, Valerie S. Tsai, Mitra Heshmati, Sam A. Golden
Individual Differences in Volitional Social Self-Administration and Motivation in Male and Female Mice Following Social Stress.
Biological Psychiatry.
Juan Enriquez-Traba, Hector E. Yarur-Castillo, Rodolfo J. Flores, Tenley Weil, Snehashis Roy, Ted B. Usdin, Christina T. LaGamma, Miguel Arenivar, Huikun Wang, Valerie S. Tsai, Amy E. Moritz, David R. Sibley, Rosario Moratalla, Zachary Z. Freyberg, Hugo A. Tejeda
Dissociable control of motivation and reinforcement by distinct ventral striatal dopamine receptors.